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Week 20 with Ashley Brown

This week is typically when you will have your anatomy check, including when you get to find out the gender of your sweet little one. Of...

Week 19 and Interview with Alysa Martinez

Welcome to week 19 of your pregnancy, mama! You're so close to halfway in this journey, and I'm so excited to tell you all of the things...

Week 18 and Interview with Erin Kendall

Congratulations mama you have made it to week 18! Almost to the halfway point, you’re now likely getting ready to go to baby’s anatomy...

Week 16 with Mama Marissa Pablo

Congratulations, Mama! You're in Week 16 of your pregnancy. Your baby is somewhere between 4 and 5 inches long and weighs around 4...

Week 15 and Interview with Doula Amber Fruhling

Congratulations mama you’ve made it to week 15 of your pregnancy. Now well into your second trimester, chances are that you’re seeing...

Week 14 and The Influential Parent, Bridget Richard

Congratulations mama you’ve made it to your second trimester! From week 14 to week 27, you find yourself in the middle trimester...

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Month

Throughout October, we remember all the babies in heaven who didn't have a chance to grow old in this world. It is a month of reflection...

Week 13 and the MatriarcApp

Congrats mama, you made it to week 13 of your pregnancy - the last week of your first trimester. Your sweet baby is the size of a pea pod...

Week 12 and Interview With Dr. Tiffany Hubman

Welcome to week 12 of your amazing journey. This week baby is 2 1/4 inches long and weighs about half an ounce. Almost all of your little...

Week 10 and Interview with Janelle Lara

Hi mamas and welcome to Week 10 of your journey! This week, baby is the size of a prune or kumquat and weighs in at less than a quarter...

Week 8 and a Surrogacy Journey With Erika Seeley

Hey mamas! Welcome to week 8 of your pregnancy journey! This week baby has sprouted little webbed fingers and toes and the little tail...

Week 7 and Interview With Lynn Turcotte-Schuh

This is week 7 of your journey! At about the size of a blueberry, your baby has doubled in size since last week and measures about ¼ to...

Week 6, Hyper-Pigmentation and Mama Amy Dietrich

Today we are talking about Week 6 of your pregnancy! Right now, your baby is about the size of a lentil or a sweet pea! While she still...

Week 5 and Magically Connected with Dr. Michelle Arietta

Congratulations on your pregnancy! You’re 5 weeks pregnant and that means, there’s a ton of tiny miracles happening inside your tummy...

Week 4 and Heather Gregg, Mother of Dragons

Week 4 Bumpcast We are starting at Week 4 in this amazing journey, and this week, we are going to get a little scientific to give you...

Episode 1: Intro to the BumpCast

Hi Mamas, Welcome to the BumpCast! I’m your host, Shannon Bally and this is the very first episode of our pregnancy podcast. I put...

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