Congratulations, Mama! You're in Week 16 of your pregnancy.
Your baby is somewhere between 4 and 5 inches long and weighs around 4 ounces.
One of the coolest things I get to report to you this week is that your baby can hear your voice when you talk or sing. The tiny bones in your baby’s ears are in place and there’s studies that show that babies who hear a song while they’re in the womb can recognize that same tune when it’s sung to them after they’re born.
Some of the less than pleasant symptoms you may be dealing with right now include increased vaginal discharge - we recommend using a panty liner on a regular basis now -varicose veins, bleeding gums and backaches.
One of the great things about this week is that doctors can usually determine the gender of the baby using an ultrasound starting now. Your OB will typically schedule your baby’s anatomy scan between now and 20 weeks, so if you’re wanting to keep the baby’s gender a secret, you may want to plan to let your ultrasound tech or doctor know so they don’t ruin the surprise. If you’re planning a gender reveal party, we want to see it! Share your ideas with us on Instagram @thebumpcastofficial
This week we are interviewing Mom Blogger Marissa Pablo. Marissa is a 27 year old, new mom, who was born and raised in Sacramento, CA. She is a licensed Esthetician and has worked in the beauty industry for several years. She just recently launched her lifestyle, mommy blog and started her lash extension business as a Lash Artist and educator. Being a new mom, navigating co-parenting and her beauty background has given her the inspiration to start writing and sharing her "Not So Glamouriss" life experiences in hopes to connect and help others.

You can connect with Marissa at the following links:
Blog :
IG @glamourriss
Beauty IG / Lash Inquires @makemeglamourriss