Congratulations mama you have made it to week 18! Almost to the halfway point, you’re now likely getting ready to go to baby’s anatomy scan, if you haven’t already.
Baby is now 5 1/2 inches long and can weigh anywhere from 5 to 6 1/2 ounces.
You may feel baby kick, twist and turn now. He’s big enough that you may feel those little movements inside, though your partner won’t be able to feel anything from the outside for quite a while longer.
Your little one’s nervous system is developing rapidly and myelin covering the nerves speeds up messages passed between the nerve cells. It’s pretty incredible that all this is happening inside you, in your uterus that’s about the size of a sweet potato!
Your baby and uterus aren’t the only things growing, of course. Week 18 means your body is dumping a hormone called Relaxin into your system which causes joints and ligaments to loosen. This means a few things - your pelvis is able to widen to accommodate baby, and your feet might be widening as well. Take precautions with your balance and if you need to, go buy some new shoes. Some mamas may need to go up a size or even 2 sizes during pregnancy. Might I suggest some cute slip ons? As your bump grows, bending down to tie your shoelaces will become increasingly difficult! Plan ahead with slip on shoes or get help from your partner.

This week's Interview is with Erin Kendall of
Erin Kendall is an American Council on Exercise Certified Personal Trainer with 2 little toddlers at home. While juggling a household, two kids, three pets and maintaining a little sense of self she hopes to bring a ray of hope and sunshine to other busy moms through Fit Mom Go!
Fitness for Moms is more than a few minutes of "me time." It's a lifestyle that we pass onto our children and radiate in everything we do. Erin has been a personal trainer since 2009 and works with clients in person, online and leads a community of other Fit Moms!
Erin has been featured on other podcast such as The Boss Mom Podcast and the Mom Inspired Show Podcast and runs a YouTube Channel with free workout videos and fitness inspiration. Definitely check out Erin’s Youtube channel and make sure you subscribe for tons of great content.
Also, check out Erin’s website for more freebies, including a “Fit Mom Cheat Sheet”. Erin was kind enough to film a video for YOU, The BumpCast podcast listeners. For the link to this video on the Do’s and Don’ts of prenatal exercise, visit
Erin's tip for pregnant mama who want to stay fit is to keep the routine of working out., but lessen the intensity.
Erin's tip for postpartum mamas is to increase the intensity of your workouts by 10% each week.
Tune into the episode for all of Erin's great tips and advice on fitness, motherhood and getting advice from others.