Hey mamas! Welcome to week 8 of your pregnancy journey!
This week baby has sprouted little webbed fingers and toes and the little tail he’s had is almost gone. Nerve cells in his brain are branching out to connect with each other forming neural pathways and baby is about the size of a kidney bean or a raspberry! Even though he is constantly moving around and twitching his tiny trunk and limbs, you won’t be able to feel the movements for a few more weeks. If you think you feel something, it’s probably just gas!
The amount of amniotic fluid in your womb is increasing to accommodate your little one.
Even though your little peanut is still pretty tiny, your clothes and bra are probably feeling a little tight about now and morning sickness is still a major issue you’re dealing with throughout the day. As I mentioned in last week’s episode, almost 90% of mamas experience some sort of morning or all day sickness during pregnancy. The condition can be caused by any number of things, but more than likely it’s the increased level of hormones surging through your changing body.
A few tips from real mamas on dealing with morning sickness:
“Ginger ale helps a lot!”
“I really liked the Ginger candies. The carbonation in ginger ale made things worse!”
“Don’t take Prenatals on an empty stomach!”
“Try taking your prenatals at night before bed”
“Eat something as soon as you wake up. Even if you don’t feel like it!”
“Preggie Pop Drops were a godsend for me!”
Even though morning sickness is awful, try to focus on the positive: morning sickness is a positive sign that you’re having a normal pregnancy and the symptoms will subside in about four to six weeks.
We have a post on our Facebook page asking for mamas morning sickness tips and tricks, so if you’ve found something that works for you, we would love to hear it! If you haven’t found anything that works for you yet, search for the post and see what other mamas have tried to help get them through the nausea.
This week's interview is with an amazing mama and first time surrogate, Erika Seeley.

Erika is the co-founder of VAology, a virtual assisting company. She is a wife and a mother to three wonderful and crazy kids! In her spare time she likes to relax, watch her kids play sports and help others any way she can. She truly will go out of her way to support people and that shows through her current journey as a first time surrogate!
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